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Sunday, October 18, 2009

rough week

well I did not get alot accomplished this week as I accidently took too much of 1 medicine and none of the other and about put myself in the hospital! however I am feeling much better today. I did finsh this newborn blanket and I made this newborn Christmas sweater set. I also made several Santa hats. I have not got the pom poms attached yet so don't have a pic. hoping to get back in the swing of things this week as I really did not crochet much this past week :-(


  1. Oh, I am so glad you found me because now I have found you:) This sweater set is beautiful! Love the color combination.

  2. Beautiful work. Sorry to hear you had issues and landed in the hospital. Please be careful.

    Pompoms. That reminds me, when I saw your cute Santa Hats, what method do you use to make your pompom's? I've purchased 2 different tools for making them, but just no good at it, or the tools aren't good, or I'm all thumbs.

