I read a post today on a blog from someone that use to be in my group, that left last week. This person was putting down ladies that crochet and use the same patterns over and over and that sit on there sofa and crochet. Well this is how I feel about that subject! I crochet what I want to crochet, yes I use the patterns I am comfortable with. I make sweaters using about 4 different patterns and the same with blankets & dresses. Does that really matter to a mother who receives our gifts?? I really don't think they care if Tommy has a sweater in blue and Daniel has one in white and they are from the same pattern. Do you?? I make as much as I can for all the babies we serve. Does that make me bad?? I don't think so. what about you? I would love to have some of your opinions on this. I would rather make 100 sweaters all alike, just different colors than to spend all my time knitting or crocheting 1 items. I run a charity. which means I want to help as many babies as I can. If making items with the same patterns makes me bad? then so be it!!